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Menstrual Cycle Awareness Workshops in your classrooms.

Suitable for ages 10-20. 

Three sessions per grade level is recommended.


These are not your typical biology class lessons.


We cover topics from menarche (our first period), to cervical fluid, to emotional changes throughout the menstrual cycle and much more - these workshops are a way for Valentina, a menstrual cycle educator, to have intimate, age-appropriate conversations with your students in the comfort of their classroom. 


Students and teachers alike have said these sessions are "eye-opening" and "enriching". Valentina has had students in 9th to 12th grade clapping after workshops. Sharing the bigger picture of how our bodies work with students is Valentina's most rewarding work.


It is truly a beautiful opportunity for female and male students to understand themselves and each other better, for more harmony, compassion and self-care.

"... Valentina is not only passionate about the topic that she shares with the students, but very personable and able to connect with them at a very intimate level... She sparks thoughts and questions that lead to healthy discussions on a topic that is often not discussed in this culture."
Victoria A. (Middle School Administrator)

Previously @


Topics Covered

  • Understanding human cycles in relation to cycles in nature.

  • The biggest difference between male and female bodies: our hormones.

  • The four phases of the menstrual cycle, and the energies and gifts each phase brings.

  • Different kinds of stress: emotional and physical.

  • PMS, menstrual discomforts and self-care tips.

Hi, I'm Valentina!

My mission is to bring menstrual-positive, cycle-empowering information to schools, because honestly, it's something I wish I had when I was their age.


In school, the basics are usually covered: bleeding, pregnancy, and hormone names. But growing up with three sisters, I saw how confusing it was when our moods, energy, and cravings seemed to change 'randomly.'


What we really needed was someone to explain how our menstrual cycles were behind all those changes.


Teaching about the different parts of the menstrual cycle isn't just about biology. It's about giving students tools to handle stress, connect with themselves, and feel good about who they are.


Bringing me in as a guest teacher isn't just about having a speaker—it's about giving students the understanding and confidence they deserve. Let's empower the next generation with the knowledge that's often overlooked.

Black and White Stationery Notes A4 Document.jpg
"Valentina was versatile and appropriate in the terminology used in all her explanations to ensure the concept resonated with students and teachers alike. The language and concepts she taught are now used widely in school discussions . . .
She was able to empathise and connect with the students on their level - by translating an often taboo message into one that is accessible to both male and female students." Diane F. (Senior Teacher)

Signature School Package
(three workshops per grade)

Our Cyclical Bodies


The Menstrual Cycle Deep Dive


Stress and the Cycle


Allow students to grasp what it means to be part of nature - that we cycle, we have ebbs and flows, biological times when energy is abundant, and times when energy is low.  Covering female and male hormonal cycles and how that affects our emotions, energy, and physical realities. Introduction to charting.

Anchoring in the understanding of what goes on within the biology of a menstruating woman.  Focusing on age appropriate golden nuggets of cool facts for students to take away . Depending on the age group, we will cover the different menstrual products (internal, external, disposable, reusable) for younger students, or the fertility awareness method, cervical fluid and the realities of hormonal birth control for high schoolers. 

Foster awareness and understanding of how stress and unhealthy patterns of behaviour affect our bodies (for boys+girls) and menstrual cycles (for girls). Students will become more familiar with the idea that PMS and menstrual pain are simply the body’s way of communicating to us that something is out of alignment, something is not right. We will cover self-care practices.  If time allows:  Open or anonymous Q&A.

"The students were very engaged during these workshops and benefitted tremendously from the small group discussions and information sharing." -  School of the Nations Administrator

Why learn about the menstrual cycle?

According to About Bloody Time, the lack of understanding of what happens inside the bodies of menstruators has led to many unfortunate realities. 


  • 7 in 10 teenage girls feel negative about their periods. 


  • 40% of women across all age groups have negative sentiments about their periods.  These feelings travel from girlhood into adulthood.


  • Many see the topic as disgusting and embarrassing. 


  • People often feel burdened, anxious, and annoyed about getting their periods.  


  • 9 in 10 girls feel unprepared for their periods.


Are you invested in providing the best opportunities and quality of life for your students?

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